Black & White Mosaics

Theorically to make a black & white mosaic you need a collection of Black & White images and the original image to use for the mosaic must be a  Black & White Image. But there are some shortcuts and experiments you can do without this needs.


Get a Black&White original image

First of all find a Black&White image. But if you don’t have then with any common graphis program you can convert your color image into a Black&White image.


Make a Black&White mosaic with color images

Now you can use the Black&White image even with a color Image Collection. You will be surprised by the results. Maybe you can use a somewhat higher value, like 18% for the parameter “How much can I modify every tile”.


Make a Black&White mosaic with black&white images

Another solution is to let work AndreaMosaic as if you have a grayscale image collection. For to do this follow this instruction:

  1. after loading the Image Collection press the button Black&White in the Image Collection Dialog. Now please do not press button Update Collection else this conversion will be saved in the collection file.
  2. create a mosaic as usual. As a result you will have a strange psichedelic mosaic. It’s a interesting mosaic.
  3. use your graphic program to convert the mosaic to a grayscale image. Here is your final mosaic.