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Image Description Score Rate Scores Pos.
Red Cactus Flower (1000 Photos) 97% 208 1
White Cactus Flower (1000 Photos) 97% 313 2
Owl (1000 Photos) 95% 301 3
White Flower (1000 Photos) 94% 287 4
Red Cactus Flower (49 Photos) 91% 294 5
Orange Rose (1000 Photos) 90% 366 6
Sunset (1000 Photos) 87% 495 7
Green Frog (1 Photos) 83% 359 8
A Starry Night - Van Gogh (2000 Photos) 83% 808 9
Two Dolphins (1 Photos) 82% 172 10
Cat (2000 Photos) 82% 243 11
Butterfly (1000 Photos) 82% 218 12
Orange Rose (256 Photos) 82% 103 13
Andrea Art (256 Photos) 82% 60 14
Tiger (2000 Photos) 82% 991 15
Window in Italy (1000 Photos) 81% 107 16
Kiwi & Raspberry (500 Photos) 81% 38 17
Sea Star (110 Photos) 81% 165 18
Andrea Art (500 Photos) 81% 98 19
Red & Yellow Flower (256 Photos) 81% 108 20
Dolphin (1000 Photos) 80% 469 21
Sea Wolf (110 Photos) 80% 124 22
Green Leave (1000 Photos) 80% 84 23
Sea Wolf (1000 Photos) 80% 97 24
Wind Wheel (1000 Photos) 80% 92 25
Blu Sky (110 Photos) 79% 145 26
Blue Snow (110 Photos) 79% 97 27
Sea Wolf (500 Photos) 79% 75 28
White Yellow Flower (1000 Photos) 79% 122 29
Red & Yellow Flower (1000 Photos) 79% 105 30
Green Frog (1000 Photos) 79% 296 31
Blu Sky (256 Photos) 79% 138 32
Two Dolphins (1000 Photos) 79% 164 33
Orange Rose (110 Photos) 79% 134 34
A Starry Night - Van Gogh (500 Photos) 79% 244 35
Polar Bear (1000 Photos) 79% 136 36
Toucan (1000 Photos) 79% 244 37
Camellia (49 Photos) 79% 33 38
Polar Bear (256 Photos) 79% 129 39
Lion (1000 Photos) 79% 681 40
Butterfly (256 Photos) 79% 105 41
Blue Flower (1000 Photos) 79% 495 42
Canyon (1000 Photos) 78% 68 43
Blue Flower (256 Photos) 78% 193 44
Bridge in Australia (1000 Photos) 78% 163 45
Orion (256 Photos) 78% 90 46
White Shark (1000 Photos) 78% 240 47
Yellow Tree (256 Photos) 78% 110 48
A Starry Night - Van Gogh (1000 Photos) 78% 252 49
Red Star (1000 Photos) 78% 79 50
Idaho (1000 Photos) 78% 53 51
Blu Sky (49 Photos) 78% 209 52
Yellow Tree (1000 Photos) 78% 533 53
Windsurf (1000 Photos) 77% 62 54
Blu Sky (1000 Photos) 77% 327 55
Kiwi & Raspberry (256 Photos) 77% 22 56
Sea (49 Photos) 77% 118 57
Little Dog (1000 Photos) 77% 214 58
Cat (1000 Photos) 77% 311 59
Red Star (256 Photos) 77% 27 60
Rose (1000 Photos) 77% 201 61
Orion (1000 Photos) 77% 127 62
Kiwi & Raspberry (1000 Photos) 77% 65 63
Wind Wheel (256 Photos) 76% 67 64
Bay (49 Photos) 76% 68 65
Blue Sea (49 Photos) 76% 241 66
Camellia (110 Photos) 76% 17 67
Red Star (110 Photos) 76% 18 68
Green Parrot (1000 Photos) 76% 79 69
Blue Sea (1000 Photos) 76% 410 70
Giant Tree (1000 Photos) 76% 131 71
Toucan (1000 Photos) 76% 88 72
Falls (1000 Photos) 76% 410 73
Blue Sea (256 Photos) 76% 185 74
Africa (500 Photos) 76% 80 75
Canyon (1000 Photos) 76% 54 76
White Yellow Flower (256 Photos) 76% 40 77
Blue Snow (49 Photos) 75% 63 78
Sail Ship (1000 Photos) 75% 95 79
Dolphin (256 Photos) 75% 108 80
Camellia (256 Photos) 75% 263 81
Little Dog (256 Photos) 75% 141 82
Kou-Bai (1000 Photos) 75% 235 83
The Artic (110 Photos) 75% 94 84
Bird (1000 Photos) 74% 47 85
Sea Star (500 Photos) 74% 130 86
Dolphin (110 Photos) 74% 181 87
Windsurf (1000 Photos) 74% 70 88
Kou-Bai (49 Photos) 74% 33 89
Lake Powell (49 Photos) 74% 62 90
Polyp (1000 Photos) 74% 28 91
White Shark (110 Photos) 74% 75 92
Africa (49 Photos) 74% 47 93
Parnel Beach (1000 Photos) 74% 94 94
Blue Snow (1000 Photos) 74% 131 95
Windsurf (1000 Photos) 74% 20 96
Sea Wolf (256 Photos) 74% 39 97
Tiger (2000 Photos) 74% 352 98
Desert (1000 Photos) 73% 65 99
Bear (1000 Photos) 73% 15 100
ALL Total Scores for all Photos 71% 27900 ALL


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